
years a change

The bus provides with a new rules to request the province the department class to go together with a car for 8 years a change
Central national organization work Wei vice- secretary Li Hong revealed at first, new way set the front installed a stop bus examination and approval, the bus drew up to re- examine
The origin reports Xun(reporter, Tu Zhong Hang, ) yesterday, the national government helps member of committee and central national organization work Wei vice- secretary Li Hong revealed and would win the hair"the political organization official business was provided with an usage management with the car way" in totally central office and office in State Department in the near future at first, does rules to department class in the province and department class following unit in province respectively, the officials from department class in province after promoting the job could not changed a car, either, "the car walks with the person".

Medium do the hair text norm bus

According to understanding, this document has already descended to deliver the all levels party Wei government, but hasn't announced to the society.3 beginning of the months, Ministry of Finance according to this set 《the political organization official business is used car budget final accounts management way 》, from prepare a final accounts pass the management that strengthen to use a car to the official business.

Moreover, in each province now the way is revising place laws, at new way set before, all stop political organization and business unit official business are used a drawing up of car to examine and approve with allocation and laid equal stress on to lately assess and decide official business to draw up with the car.

The bus purchases an amount to descend

Li Hong says that this time after bus reform a start, bus' purchasing an amount should will definitely descend.Moreover the bus reforms to need a process, gradually carry on.

The previous bus reform lifted many times, but central and place, flourishing region and side far the area contain different circumstance and lead long to pull noodles big, the amount is also many, some places have already awed by difficulty emotion, moreover also possible touch a lot of staffs slice a body benefits.

Introduce according to Li Hong, the bus reforms affirmation and pushes, this time after winning to do to descend hair with the document that country do, place again on these grounds carry on adjustment.The way reform that will also turn through a market mechanism, currency from now on.

A little bit bright

An officials from department class in province go together with a car to postpone to for 8 years a change

Li Hong reveals, bus equipment usage management way rules, the officials from department class in province go together with a car and use time limit from 5 years a changed to change into once 8 years changed, after 8 years car if can also use, will continue to use.Officials from department class in province go together with the car amount of row to request to don't lower, but the expenses requests to lower.

The officials from department class in province after promoting the job can not change a car, either and ignore to rise a job or an even transfer, the cars all want to follow others.Before, the general staff promoted, or adjusted to°from AN unit B unit and all wanted a report, please criticize to purchase a new car.

2 department class following unit vehicles in province don't fix a person

For the department class following unit in province, new way in addition to in addition to lining up quantity and price, the rules requests to press the personnel to draw up settle vehicle of how much, but the vehicle can not fix a person.

The hall bureau class following staff, the rules by the past is also an unqualified special car, but now a lot of county countries one class the staff provides with special car, "that is to violate the rules".

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