

From the secular understanding of all that money important, for it will be said to be feeling a highly important, if through the appearance to the essence, the economic base determines the superstructure, a company can not solve the food and clothing for people who talk about feelings and love, it is absurd Therefore, the basic material with the spiritual life can be considered. For us living in the real world, the basic food and clothing issues are resolved to consider the feelings of love, but love is always there, love is not, in fact, there is no love in this world, it is only to be understood and accepted The expression of the language and behavior is a very opportunity to do, more often passive rather than proactive, so we want to find love in real life is hard thing, or do not go deliberately looking for as is often the greater the hold of the hope, the greater the disappointment, or go with the flow of good, there is life, life is life no more cases we are helpless in life, even though you are a perfectionist or ideal doctrine, it will not take the initiative favored by love, so in terms of money and love do not choose not to choose the truth, is passive acceptance, therefore, good or realistic. Even without love, there is a quiet home, there is understanding of the roots of words can be friend or blue Yen, or have barely been together a very good lover. I do understand, do the same.

For the opposition there is reason to have some merriment this Christmas. The right-leaning YouGov polling (in the sense that Telegraph / News International favoured) over the last month, shows that government satisfaction is falling and that Labour is at least on level pegging with the Cameron government. Given the responses to Ed Miliband in the media this is a remarkable result given the Labour collapse in May 2010. The austerity message and unpopular measures from government have indeed been announced but the impacts are yet to be felt.

The attacks on Ed Miliband from the right are also failing to land; we have had the petty jibes, we have had 'ignore' him as an irrelevance to actively challenging him on his links with the Unions. All of these attacks have failed to find a resonance with the public who at this stage just see a man who beat his brother, an underdog who came through to win. Ed would do well to take the RedEd label and make it his own, he would do well to distance himself from the Unions and he will do well to reflect that he needs to be Prime Ministerial and not partisan. He is ticking some of those boxes already.

And when this very world is only leaving you cold

I will be there to hold you, keep you warm and secure

My arms will always open for you for me to hold

When I am with you, I will always make you so sure

So with me you will never ever again be alone

For I will be there for you right to the bitter end

You will never ever again have to be on your own

So to you my truth and friendship, I shall always send

This blog is used to the media in Kent being anti-establishment. Tories claim it is left-wing bias but actually the media is just anti-politics. Given the media tends to reflect the popular opinion of its readership, its commentary on Ed Miliband and his visit was about as fair as you could expect. Ed Miliband can not give firm policies because that is the whole point of having a National Policy forum and re-engaging with people to get policies. If Ed had come out with clear policies now, he would have been attacked for running roughshod over internal democracy and it would not have been outward looking to the public. A strong party setting direction was one of the strengths and weaknesses of new Labour. It lectured and did not listen. It is akward for Labour members used to government, but now is the time to set the mood and to build the tent. It is not the time to put the chairs down and invite the guests.

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